A Level Programme

A Levels are the traditional route students in the United Kingdom take to University. They are offered after the successful completion of IGCSEs and are highly regarded as gold standard qualifications. As with all pre-university courses, there is an entry requirement. Currently this is a minimum of 3 B's and 3 'C''s at IGCSE with B's in the subjects a student wishes to choose for A Level

A Levels are made up of two parts :

·         The AS Level

·         The A2 Level

Each part makes up 50% of the overall A level grade and takes two years to complete. AS is studied in Year 11 and A2 in Year 12. Students must study 4 subjects of choice in Year 11, AS, and in Year 12 must continue a minimum of 3 of these subjects. Progression on to A2 is dependent on achieving passing grades in chosen subjects.

Should students fail to be able to move onto A2 they are offered the opportunity to re-sit the AS in Year 12, A2X. This will give them access to a degree course at and Egyptian university and a foundation course at a UK university.

"How are A Levels Assessed?"

The majority of the assessment is by written examination. There is also assessment of practical skills in subjects like Science and Art.

*The Subjects offered at A Level at CES are as follows. Each subject will be taught over 10 lessons per our 10 day cycle.

·         English

·         Maths

·         Physics

·         Biology

·         Chemistry

·         Computer Science

·         Business Studies

·         Economics

·         History

·         Geography

·         Psychology

·         Art

*The decision to run a subject is dependent on student numbers. should a subject have too few students it will not run.